Monday, March 28, 2011

Matt was right...

Okay, I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong (also I promised Matt that I would write this post). The problem with being a planner for a living is that you can at times get a little lackadaisical about the planning process. And while that can be a huge relief from the typical bridal stress, it can also backfire...

For about...oh, three months...Matt has been asking me if we could get the rehearsal dinner location booked. To which I always responded "Oh, we have all kinds of time, you don't have to book a restaurant six months in advance." Here's the problem: I've always had a vision for the wedding ceremony and the reception...but no vision for the rehearsal dinner. Never thought about it, actually. So we finally narrowed it down to our top three choices, two microbreweries and a local Italian restaurant, all downtown. I decided that I wanted to see the party rooms in our top option. But it took about a month before we had time to head down there to eat. When we finally made it down there, it was perfect. The seating host assured us that they weren't even booking that far out yet so we should be fine. So I smugly grinned at Matt because I was totally right in not being concerned about this.


Monday morning I get an email from the restaurant telling me they actually were booked. No big deal, on to our other two options. Nope, booked...oops.

Now, this didn't really bother me because I hadn't been too concerned about the rehearsal dinner in the first place, but Matt was not happy. So I frantically started coming up with back up options, trying to dig myself out of this hole. Then we had a realization. We can't even do our rehearsal at Simon Estes because they do the 4th of July festivities there the night before our wedding, so we really had no need to stay downtown at all. Matt suggested our favorite pizza place, Felix and Oscars, and I was on board. I called the next day and they are available! Phew! I'm out of the dog house, except for the fact that I had to acknowledge to the world that Matt was right.

We started thinking of where to hold our rehearsal and I jokingly suggested that we should just do it in Matt's backyard. The more we started to think about it though, we decided that was actually our best option. His deck will be the stage, and he was talking about even mowing the crazy shaped sidewalks into his grass so we can practice. This is bound to go well...

So at the ceremony, if anyone looks a little confused or disoriented, please bear in mind that we practiced on grass fake sidewalks and a deck.  :)


  1. That's okay...couldn't possibly be as awkward as our ceremony which was sans rehearsal!

  2. I just want pictures of Matt mowing this!
